Risk Assessment in SAP

Work place risks result from hazards that can lead to severe injuries or, in the worst case, even to the death of an employee. It is the legal requirement, to assess risks, take appropriate measures to eliminate them, and to evaluate their effectiveness, too. A significant time, personnel and financial easing proposes the electronic solution offered by clavis.

Electronic Risk Assessment by clavis

With the electronic risk assessment of clavis, recurring activities or work place risks can be defined. To this all hazards can be mapped into a comprehensive assessment catalogue by the customer itself. In the standard version hazards fall into the following categories that of course can be adapted to meet the specific operational requirements:

  • Fundamental organisational factors
  • Hazard by work place design
  • Hazard by work ergonomic factors
  • Mechanical hazards
  • Electrical hazards
  • Hazards from substances
  • Hazards resulting from fires / explosions
  • Biological hazards
  • Physical hazards
  • Psychological pressures
  • Other hazard and pressure factors

Operable comfortably and intuitively

The solution of clavis matches and lists the hazards with their appropriate measures (by logic link) – similarly to the electronic work permit application. Furthermore mandatory measures can be defined that are not to be deactivated by the user subsequently.

Watch a short video here to see how easy it is to create risk assessments: Create Riskassessment (Video)

In preparing the risk assessment the user is assisted by an intuitive interface and a signal control. Flexibility in the evaluation of hazards due to a complex environment is ensured by the free text option. Related documents and files can be linked to the risk assessment. After successful release of the risk assessments these files can be stored in PDF format in the intranet or SAP system.

With the electronic risk assessment of clavis the process and the layout of risk assessments is standardized. Pictograms enhance the legibility of a risk assessment. Risk assessment is included in clavisWorkSafety (SAP Add On or Web App).