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clavis Fiori Apps

clavisFiori WM: Mobile Fiori Apps for SAP WM

clavis Fiori App for Maintenance – Safety measures to ensure safe working conditions

In the process industry it is often the case that a certain area or the complete plant has to be isolated for different activities within a plant before the actual inspection, repair etc. can take place. Our app supports the person who has to perform the fuse or un-fuse to report it back on a mobile basis:

What is SAP Fiori? What is special about the design concept?

What does the architecture of SAP Fiori look like? Can Fiori apps be extended?

Product information about Fiori Apps

We have summarized detailed information on clavisAssetory and our apps for SAP WM for you in detailed product information (PDF):

Do you have any questions?
Get in touch with us.